
Writing is difficult and if you should encounter such difficulties the History of Knowledge Chair has serveral ways to help you. First, you should direct questions about writing a term paper at your tutor. In addition, there is also the possibility to get advice on writing a term paper via the Student Assistans. If you still have questions, please register for the consultation hours of Mrs. Kwaschik and Claudia Roesch.

If there are general questions about writing an email in german, this PDF will help with questions about salutation, content, preparation, etc.

Document submission

The term papers are to be submitted in a folder at the secretary's office in E 310e, please note the opening hours of the secretary's office. In addition, term papers are to be emailed as a PDF to the support staff at The PDF should be named according to the following pattern: LastName, FirstName_Title of Term Paper. Neither submission should be missing the declaration of authorship.


In general, you should be careful to maintain a consistent citation style. In addition, it is customary to use footnotes. Endnotes or references in parentheses should be avoided. Footnotes should be structured so that a full citation is given first and then a short citation is introduced. In addition, footnotes should be continuous from the first page to the last. An appropriate citation style and some guidance can be found in this PDF in german.

With regard to scientific integrity and professional working methods, be sure to observe the university's information on plagiarism prevention.

Structure of a term paper

There are several things to keep in mind when structuring a term paper. In general, however, the term paper should be divided into an introduction, main body, and conclusion, as well as follow some formatting guidelines. In no case should the decleration of authorship be missing.

For an exact list of the important structural and format aspects of a term paper, see the following PDF.

You can find a helpful companion for writing and presenting here.