Dagmar Abfalter (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
Theresa Angenlahr (Freie Universität Berlin)
Theresa works on her PhD thesis about West-German art associations (Kunstvereine) within the context of the general politization of visual arts since the 1950s. In her project, she examines, among others, the relationship between art unions and local cultural politics as well as the effects of the co-existence of volunteer and employed work on the art unions’ functioning.
Robert Bernsee (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Robert has been working on the history of the creative industry and the history of intellectual property rights. He currently focuses on the relation between creativity and copyrights in West Germany and the United States. This includes an examination of the work ethics and circumstances in the film and book industry.
Sarah Brouillette (Carleton University)
Bianca Gaudenzi (Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom)
Bianca’s previous work focused on the production of commercial culture and design in interwar Europe. She is now researching the political relevance of material culture try analysing the processes of restitution of looted cultural property in post-1945 Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany and Austria.
Daniel Maul (University of Oslo)
Daniel has been working on various aspects of „global social policy“, the history of the International Labour Organization and international structures of humanitarian relief in the 20th century. His current research interest is in working conditions and concepts of workplace democracy including the creative and cultural industries.
Klaus Nathaus (University of Oslo)
Klaus is a social historian of the "long" twentieth century. He is interested in why popular culture changed and what social relations it afforded. Currently, he studies the work ethic of musicians from the dance band to the club era.
Franziska Rehlinghaus (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Franziska is researching the development of soft skill training and self-improvement in the second half of the 20th century. She is interested in creativity as a resource for the workplace and as a topic and technique of continuing education in business history.
Martin Rempe (Universität Konstanz)
Wibke Rhein (Universität Konstanz)
Wibke’s PHD Project takes a closer look at the German health insurance scheme for self-employed artists (Künstlersozialkasse). It covers the time of increasing artistic self-organization after 1945 as well as the resulting attention for the topic in politics and social sciences in the following decades up until the 1980s and 1990s when the heavily disputed law on artistic health insurance came into practice.
Martin Zierold (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg)
Martin's areas of focus are strategy and organisational development in the context of social and cultural transformation in the 21st century. He also works freelance as a coach, trainer and consultant.