3rd "Study and Cultural Visit" of Utrecht University to the University of Konstanz

15. bis 19. April 2024

University of Konstanz

Veranstaltet von
Department of Psychology, Magistra Serpil Hummel

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Sebastian Tillmann, Dr. Alexander Unger, Dr. Gijs Cremers, Agnieszka Vojta and Serpil Hummel

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Study and Cultural Visit“.

Study and Cultural Visit of more than 40 Honours Students from Utrecht University

Topic: "Cultural identity / identification".


The students from Utrecht will be accompanied this year by Dr Gijs Cremers. Assistant Professor Social and Behavioural Sciences, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology.

Students from the University of Konstanz are cordially invited to participate in the workshop, the lectures and the leisure activities.

Draft Agenda

Foto: Studierende aus Utrecht SoSe 2022