Seminar in Microeconomics - "Gender differences in performance: the role of corporate social responsibility"

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019
14 bis 15 Uhr

TWI Kreuzlingen

Veranstaltet von
Prof. Dr. Nick Zubanov (Universität Konstanz)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Prof. Michalis Drouvelis (Universität Birmingham)

We examine experimentally the impact of corporate social responsibility techniques on individuals’ performance. Our experiment adopts the Niederle-Vesterlund (2007) paradigm whereby individuals perform a real-effort task under piece-rate and tournament incentives, followed by an opportunity to determine which of the two payment schemes they prefer. In our main treatment, we introduce social responsibility by informing individuals that 50% of their earnings will be donated to a charity of their own choice. Our findings indicate that, in the presence of social incentives, women perform significantly better than men under both payment schemes. Despite this, women’s lower willingness to take risks does not affect their tastes for competition across treatments.
