Seminar in Microeconomics - Jana Gallus (UCLA Anderson)

Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2023
9 bis 10 Uhr

TWI Kreuzlingen, Hafenstraße 6, 82820 Kreuzlingen, Schweiz

Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Jana Gallus (UCLA Anderson)

"Incentives and the social fabric of the knowledge economy"

This talk presents evidence from three field experiments to shed light on the effects of non-monetary incentives and how they interact with the social relational context. The first half of the talk focuses on inter-personal incentives. The contexts are Wikipedia and healthcare. In one case, the non-monetary incentive had positive and long-lasting effects. In the other case, the non-monetary incentive backfired, significantly reducing people’s well-being. The talk presents an overarching theory to reconcile these findings and it offers a framework to guide future experiments on inter-personal incentives. The second half of the talk focuses on intra-personal incentives. The context is massive online education. A large-scale field experiment finds positive effects of a novel, zero-cost intervention. It shows how micro-level data can be used to better understand and account for the complexity of individual motivations in the knowledge economy.


Registration to Ms. Madeleine Hafner per E-Mail
