Perspectives on Political Economy and Electoral Politics

Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024
15 bis 16:30 Uhr

Y 213

Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Pablo Beramendi, Herbert Kitschelt, Silja Häusermann

Pablo Beramendi, Herbert Kitschelt, Silja Häusermann

Moderator: Marius Busemeyer

Political economists have always developed hypotheses about how conditions of technology and knowledge, property relations and corporate governance, skills of the labor force and income distributions influence political mobilization and authoritative decision-making outside markets in the arenas of electoral politics and state bureaucracies. Students of electoral politics, in turn, have analyzed how political competition, particularly among parties vying for votes supporting candidates for legislative office and executive office, and public policy-making in government executives shape markets, relations of production, and innovation and economic growth.The workshop will discuss select recent theoretical proposals to lay out the relationship between capitalist markets and electoral democracy through the lens of the convenors’ perspective, detailed in The Politics of Advanced Capitalism (Cambridge University Press 2015). It will examine competing perspectives in light of recent political-economic developments in Western knowledge capitalist countries.

Pablo Beramendi is a Professor of Political Science Department at Duke University. He is a political economist with a focus on the causes and consequences of economic inequality, comparative political institutions and the connection between economic and political inequality as a key driver of democratic performance. More specifically, his work revolves around three main areas: economic geography and the politics of redistribution, the comparative study of fiscal capacity and progressivity, and the political economy of participation and representation.

Marius R. Busemeyer is a Full Professor of Political Science with a focus on Comparative Political Economy at the University of Konstanz and Speaker of the Excellence Cluster "The Politics of Inequality". His research focuses on comparative political economy and welfare state research, education and social policy, public spending, theories of institutional change and, more recently, public opinion on the welfare state.

Herbert Kitschelt is a Professor of Political Science at Duke University, North Carolina. He specializes in comparative political parties and elections in established and new democracies, comparative public policy and political economy, as well as 20th century social theory. Among his numerous publications is the book The Radical Right in Western Europe (with Anthony J. McGann), which received the 1996 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award from the American Political Science Association. His latest projects include a global comparison of citizen-politician linkage mechanisms in democracies, and a renewed effort to map and account for the transformation of political party system in postindustrial democracies.

Silja Häusermann is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich, where she teaches classes on Swiss politics, comparative political economy, comparative politics and welfare state research. Her research interests are in comparative politics, comparative political economy and behavior. More specifically, she studies socio-structural change, electoral and party system change, and their impact on distributive policies, as well as the transformation of welfare state and labor market politics in advanced post-industrial democracies.

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