International Office

Internships in Germany and abroad

Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024
17 bis 18:30 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Career Service in Kooperation mit dem International Office, Universität Konstanz

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Verena Ladegast, International Office und Eva Maisel, Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Information on application, programmes and funding opportunities.

Your career begins already during your studies:

A well-chosen internship can be your ticket to a successful professional life. Internships provide insights into various areas of professional activity and thus serve as a chance for career orientation. But they also provide you with actual work experience – a detail highly appreciated by employers.

The following questions will be answered among others:

What types of internships are there and which one suits me? How and where can I find a suitable internship? How do I apply? How do I make the most of my internship? How do I find the right internship abroad? And what funding opportunities are there?

Participation is free of charge. Just join us using this link.

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