In_equality Workshop with Anna Manzoni: Social stratification and the life course

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024
11:45 bis 12:45 Uhr

Y 213

Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Anna Manzoni

Title: Social stratification and the life course

In this workshop, Anna Manzoni will outline some of her past, current, and future research. Her research is grounded in a life course perspective and examines social stratification processes by cohort, class, gender, and across countries. Within this scope, she is interested in family processes, labor market dynamics, as well as in the short and long-term impact of educational and career investments. She has been specifically interested in exploring life course transitions among young adults, including analyzing many facets of youth independence and intergenerational support. Anna's interests in social stratification processes, in the transition to adulthood, and in labor market dynamics also emerge in her work investigating the equalizing effect of college; specifically, she has been interested in the role of family background on future earnings across degree levels, the wage gap between first and continuing generation college students as well as in differences between those students.

Anna Manzoni is a Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the North Carolina State University. Her research interests include life course, labor market, social inequality, demography, immigration, and sociology of the family. Her articles have appeared in European Sociological Review, Sociological Perspectives, and Social Currents, among others.

Link for online participation
