HMC FAIR Friday "The HMC projects HELIPORT & ALAMEDA: Two platforms to ease your research project & metadata management life!"

Freitag, 19. April 2024
12 bis 13 Uhr


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Join our two-in-one HMC FAIR Friday "The HMC projects HELIPORT & ALAMEDA: Two platforms to ease your research project & metadata management life!"

This time two HMC projects closely linked to each other through the development and implementation of a software gahtering scientific metadata are presenting their work!

We are happy to have several speakers from the two projects with us:Dr. Oliver Knodel will speak about "Navigating the Digital Horizon: HELIPORT's Role in Research Project Lifecycle Management"
Dr. Oliver Rach, Dr. Felix Mühlbauer and Gunnar Pruß will introduce us to "Data provenance & traceability in multi-domain laboratory environments : ALAMEDA - A scalable multi-domain metadata management platform"

