HeFDI Code School on Sustainable Research Software – Summer Semester 2024 Advanced Track

2. bis 4. Juli 2024

Science Park Kassel, Idea Lab, Universitätsplatz 12, 34127 Kassel

Veranstaltet von
HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Suresoft / NFDI4Ing

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „HeFDI Code School on Sustainable Research Software“.

This year we are piloting a 3-day summer school from July 2nd to July 4th at the Idea Lab in Kassel. We offer this school in cooperation with Suresoft and NFDI4Ing. For more information see the detailed description below.

Please have a look at the preparation and prior knowledge section before registering. Please be aware that the knowledge gained from the basic track is likely not to be sufficient for the advanced track! 


Scientific software is often hard to maintain and reuse. A major reason for the instability of software is that it is subject to continuous change. This is especially true for software in the scientific context, since the scientific discourse is open-ended. Change has caused difficulties for scientific software developers from the very beginning, and it continues to do so. In parallel, the software engineering community has produced numerous developments that we as research software developers can take advantage of to significantly support our work. This workshop is an introduction on how to bridge the gap between both worlds and introduces practices, methods and principles to develop maintainable software and to make the software development process sustainable.


Date Time Topics Instructor
Day 1:
Tue 2nd July, 2024
  • Motivation for sustainable software design
  • Basic concepts for organizing complexity
  • Object Oriented Programming
Suresoft / NFDI4Ing
Day 2:
Wed 3rd July, 2024
  • Design principles: SOLID & Co. with application examples
  • Design Patterns with hands-on application exercise
Suresoft / NFDI4Ing
Day 3
Thu 4th July, 2024
  • Clean Code and Refactoring with interactive hands-on examples
  • Tipps for working with Python
Suresoft / NFDI4Ing

Further information and registration
