International Office

Get ready for kontaktpunkt career day

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024
14 bis 15 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Eva Maisel, Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Career fairs are a great way to explore the current job market, gather ideas for your future career or even directly apply for a job. But how do you behave at a career fair in order to make a professional impression?

The lecture will cover the following topics, among others:

- How do I prepare?
- How do I approach companies?
- How do I present myself?
- What questions can and should I ask?
- How do I stay in touch after the fair?

Of course, this event is also an excellent preparation for the annual career day kontaktpunkt of the University of Konstanz, which will take place this year on Wednesday, 19. June 2024.

Find more information on exhibitors and the supporting programme at

You do not need to register. Just click here on Thursday, 13 June at 2 pm.

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