Bioimage data management and analysis with OMERO

Montag, 13. Mai 2024
9 bis 18 Uhr

DKFZ main building (INF 280) room: D137e (seminar room of the DKFZ library)

Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Dr. Riccardo Massei (Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig); Dr. Michele Bortolomeazzi (DKFZ, Single cell Open Lab, bioimage data specialist, bioinformatician, staff scientist in the NFDI4BIOIMAGE project); Dr. Christian Schmidt (Science Manager for Research Data Management in Bioimaging, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Project Coordinator of the NFDI4BIOIMAGE project)

Microscopy experiments generate information-rich, multi-dimensional data, allowing us to investigate biological processes at high spatial and temporal resolution. Image processing and analysis is a standard procedure to retrieve quantitative information from biological imaging. Due to the complex nature of bioimaging files that often come in proprietary formats, it can be challenging to organize, structure, and annotate bioimaging data throughout a project. Data often needs to be moved between collaboration partners, transformed into open formats, processed with a variety of software tools, and exported to smaller-sized images for presentation. The path from image acquisition to final publication figures with quantitative results must be documented and reproducible.

Since 2023, the DKFZ offers the image data management platform OMERO for all DKFZ researchers.
In this workshop, participants learn how to use OMERO to organize their data and enrich the bioimage data with structured metadata annotations.
We also focus on image analysis workflows in combination with OMERO based on the Fiji/ImageJ software and using Jupyter Notebooks. In the last part, we explore how OMERO can be used to create publication figures and prepare bioimage data for publication in a suitable repository such as the Bioimage Archive.

This workshop consists of four modules. Participants can book individual modules or the whole day (May 13th).

Module 1 (9 am - 10.15 am): 
Basics of OMERO, data structuring and annotation

Module 2 (10.45 am - 12.45 pm): 
OMERO and Fiji

Module 3 (1.45 pm - 3.45 pm): 
OMERO and Jupyter Notebooks

Module 4 (4.15 pm - 6. pm): 
Publication-ready figures and data with OMERO


Preparation, prior experience/skills
You should have worked with microscopy data in your research before. A basic knowledge of OMERO is an asset. You could watch the I3D:bio's OMERO training material videos to acquire the basic knowledge (~45 min in total). 
Module 2: Basic knowledge of Fiji/ImageJ is an asset. Module 3: Basic knowledge of Python/Jupyter Notebooks is an asset.

Further Information and Registration
