2024 Nature Positive Photo Contest

Montag, 15. Juli 2024

Online - Competition

Veranstaltet von
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Mark van Kleunen

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

As a founding member of Nature Positive Universities, we made a pledge to promote nature on campus and within our local and scientific community, and to reduce our negative effects on nature through the university's supply chains. Following several direct supportive measures in the previous year, in 2024, we invite you to join by simply taking photos on University of Konstanz campus!

The University of Konstanz with its mostly protected, immediate surroundings offer habitat to many plants, micro-organisms and animals. Even within and on our buildings, many organisms have found a home. With your keen observation and participation, your excellent photos will highlight the beauty of biodiversity on campus and raise the awareness of our Nature Positive pledge.




Our jury consists of 10-15 members, including:

Further information

Honey bees infront of the ZT building © E. Böker, CASCB