How to sign up for courses in History
Students choose their courses and sign up

Courses and enrolment for courses


You can only study a BA major in combination with a minor subject. For History as a minor subject you need to gain 42 credits.

You need to complete these modules in your minor subject:

Module 1: 
Introductory Lecture Ancient History and Middle Ages (Einführungsvorlesung Alte Geschichte und Mittelalter)
Introductory Lecture Modern Times (Einführungsvorlesung Neuzeit)

Module 2: 
History as a science (Geschichte als Wissenschaft)
Source exercise (Quellenübung)

Modules 3 and 4: 
You must take three proseminars, are free to choose your epoch. 

Module 5: 
You must take an advanced seminar in the epoch in which you have passed a proseminar.

Required language skills:

You do not have to prove any language skills in the minor subject. There is no orientation or final examination.

How to find your courses in History in ZEuS

In order to be able to enrol for courses, please register for the respective course during the registration period. Please note that with an enrolment for a course, you are only registering for attendance and not for the examination in the course! The registration period for examinations is usually in the middle of the lecture period of the semester.

For partecipation in History courses:

- Approaches to History
- Using Historical Sources
- Proseminar

there is a central place allocation procedure which is integrated in ZEuS. The registration is compulsory for students of all subjects who wish to attend one of the above-mentioned courses. 

You can find the respective registration period for the courses in the course catalogue in ZEuS as well as on the History homepage.


How do you register?

  1. Go to the ZEuS homepage and log in. Select "englisch" as language.
  2. Click through the corresponding modules in the History course catalogue (BA or B.Ed.) and make a choice according to the course descriptions. Prioritise your preferences based on the course descriptions.
  3. Select in your module planner the corresponding module for:

  • Approaches to History: "Registration of "Approaches to History", Registration period [date] - place allocation".
  • Using History Souces: "Registration of "Using History Souces", Registration period [date] - place allocation".
  • Proseminar: "Registration for the History Proseminars", Registration period [date] - place allocation".
  1. Click on the tab "Dates/Appointments and rooms" and you will find the "attend" button for the respective parallel groups. For further steps, please see these instructions.


Additional Information

5. Enter the desired course (parallel group 1, 2, or 3 etc.) as "Priority 1" as well as two (or if there are only two parallel groups to choose from, only one) alternatives. If you only indicate one or no alternative at all, you risk to be dropped out from the central allocation procedure and not to be given a place in one of these courses at all. 

6. You can still change your mind during the registration period. After the registration deadline, your registration is binding. You are obliged to attend the corresponding course and to complete the respective examination (presentation, term paper, etc.).

7. If you would like to attend two Proseminars in one semester, please sign up for one of the two as described above (indicating alternatives) first and then contact your History Student Advisor – before the end of the registration period. Please mention which Proseminar and which alternatives you have opted for in ZEuS and mention the second Proseminar (as well as at least two alternatives) from another era/epoch you would like to take.

8. If you urgently need a specific place due to expiring examination deadlines or similar, please be sure to indicate the maximum number of alternatives and contact the Student Advisory Service afterwards, but still before the registration deadline.

9. Shortly after the end of the registration period, you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration for a specific course. If you have not received an email to your university address till one day before the start of the course (please check your spam folder!), please contact your History Student Advisor immediately. As a precaution, please indicate (once again) the course you wish to attend,  the alternatives  as well as your matriculation number.

10. Places are allocated according to priority, not according to the order of registration. There is no entitlement to a place in a particular course. Once a place in course has been confirmed, your registration is binding. Therefore, as a second or third choice, only select courses that you can actually attend.