Formular im SSZ
Formular im SSZ

Exams in M.Ed. History

Information about exams

Registration for course examinations

Registration and deregistration for examinations during studies is done via ZEuS. Please note the registration deadlines mentioned on the website. 

You can still change your mind during the registration period. After the registration deadline has expired, your registration is binding and you are obliged to complete the respective examination (presentation, term paper, etc.). After expiry of the deadlines, withdrawal from the examination is only possible with the official attestation form, which you can find here.

Examination withdrawal and retake


If you are ill on the day of the exam, you do not have to take it.

You must notify the Examination Office (Heike Reinhuber) of your illness BEFORE the exam by e-mail and provide a medical certificate.
Only use this form (see PDF "Withdrawal from exams and extension of theses due to illness (medical certificate)") and send it in advance as a scan by e-mail AND then by post to the Examination Office:
University of Konstanz
Department of History and Sociology
PO Box 13
Examination Office, Heike Reinhuber
D-78457 Konstanz.

The certificate must be issued at the latest on the day of the exam (in the case of longer illnesses also before the day of the examination) and must be valid for the day of the exam. Certificates or others forms issued later cannot be accepted.


Withdrawal due to certain reasons can be approved in some exceptional cases, especially if students are not directly responsible for their inability to attend the exam. Admissible reasons include studying abroad or a sudden death within the family. If such a case arises, please contact the Examinations Office, Heike Reinhuber, explain your reasons for being unable to attend and enclose the necessary evidence.


Unexcused absences from exams lead to the entry NE=not appeared in ZEuS and thus to failure of the exam. If there is a re-examination, you will be automatically registered for it.


According to the general examination regulations for humanities degree programmes, an exam can be repeated once. This must happen at the earliest possible date. If you withdraw from an exam due to illness or if you do not pass the exam, you will automatically be registered by the Examination Office for the next available exam date.
Should you also be ill for the retake exam or should you fail it and another attempt be possible, please register on your own for the retake exam at the next available date. Please note: there is no automatic registration for exams across semesters.

If you also fail the retake exam, you must first submit a request for recognition as a hardship case to the StPA before the possibility of taking a further exam can be reactivated. The request for recognition as a hardship case must be submitted no later than two months after the announcement of the exam result. If a request for recognition as a hardship case is not submitted, the exam entitlement expires. The students concerned are usually contacted, but each student is obliged to contact the student advisor in any case.

If the request for recognition as a hardship case is granted, a final retake of the exam is possible. If the retake is not passed again, you are definitively not able to complete the history degree programme as a major or minor subject and cannot continue studying history in Germany, as you lose your entitlement to the exam.
The option of requesting a request for recognition as a hardship case can be only used twice within a degree programme.

M.Ed. thesis & oral examination


Winter semester: 01 - 15 February (start 1 April) 
Summer semester: 01 - 15 July (start 1 October)


Examination date in spring (April/ May): 
1 - 15 July of the previous year

Examination date in autumn (October/ November): 
1 - 15 February in the same year

Please note that some examiners offer an exam colloquium for exam preparation before the respective examination period and you are obliged to attend this if you wish to be examined by them. You will find out more details from the respective examiner in the preliminary discussion. 

Information provided by the Central Examination Office (ZPA)

Current information and forms are provided on the page of the Central Examination Office (ZPA)

Here you will find information on the following topics, among others: 

- Registration for the final examination
- General regulations for submitting final examinations
- Signets of the University of Konstanz
- Withdrawing from examinations and extending final examinations
- Certification of examination documents
- Financial support for final theses

An overview of the contact persons at the ZPA, their responsibilities and office hours can be found here.

List of examiners