Empirische Bildungsforschung | Exzellenzcluster "The Politics of Inequality" | Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt FGZ | Graduiertenschule "Entscheidungswissenschaften" | Soziologie | Kolloquien | Vortrag

Unveiling unequal human capital development and its lifelong impact on health and social belonging

Wednesday, 7. February 2024
11:45 - 13:15

Y213 and online (Zoom)

Maarten Buis, Benita Combet (representing Thomas Hinz in the winter semester 2023/2024), Sebastian Koos, and Susanne Strauß (Department of Sociology)

Dr. Jacqueline Kroh, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg

This event is part of an event series „Colloquium Empirical Social Research“.

In the Colloquium Empirical Social Research jointly organized by Maarten Buis, Benita Combet Claudia Diehl, Thomas Hinz (represented by Benita Combet for this term), Sebastian Koos und Susanne Strauß, we will be presenting and discussing the latest findings from empirical research. The lectures will also be accessible via Zoom (registration via e-mail).
