Dr. Karolina Koziura

Dr. Karolina Koziura (EUI Florence) is a Visiting Research Fellow within the project "Violence in East and West – Towards an Integrated History of the 20th Century Europe" during June and July 2024. She is a cultural and historical sociologist whose work combines comparative studies of colonialism and empire, environmental history, and politics of knowledge in/about Eastern Europe. During her stay in Konstanz, she will be working on a manuscript for her upcoming book that examines how competing forms of knowledge about the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 were produced, circulated, and contested from the 1930s till the present.

Her recent publications include:

“Towards the Public Memory of Holodomor: The Famine Commemorative Genre and the Ukrainian Diaspora.”  Memory Studies 

“Russia’s Night Wolves, Migrating Memory and Europe’s Eastern Frontier,” co-authored with Virág Molnár and Franziska Konig-Paratore.European Journal of Sociology