Current news

DFG Netzwerk Work: 3rd Workshop in Oslo

Under the title "Getting a Fair Share? Cultural Work under Intellectual Property Regimes", the third workshop within the framework of the DFG research network "Towards a History of Work in the Cultural Economy" will take place in Oslo on June 6–8.

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New Publication

"Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit" is published just in time for the European election campaign with Martin Rempe's essay on European-African relations since the 1950s. Building on the latest research, in this volume leading experts take up key topics of current European policy debates, discuss their historical roots and think them further.

New Publication

What constitutes contemporary history as a field of research and historical sub-discipline is the subject of the seventh panel discussion on contemporary history of the Quarterly Journal of Contemporary History. Based on Hans Rothfelsʼ pioneering considerations, Martin Rempe discusses the opportunities of contemporary globalization research, including its problems. Open Access until the publication of the next issue.

DFG Netzwerk Work: 2nd Workshop in Hamburg

The second workshop within the DFG Research Network “Towards a History of Work in the Cultural Economy” took place in Hamburg under the title "Incorrigible Individualists or a Creative Class? Collective Self-Organisation in the Cultural Economy".


On 25 May 2023, an English translation of "Kunst, Spiel, Arbeit. Musikerleben in Deutschland, 1850 bis 1960" will be published.

Martin Rempe's habilitation thesis, which received a positive echo from academics and the public alike, is dedicated to the working and living environments of musicians in Germany and traces the changes in this professional field between 1850 and 1960.

European Review of History-New Article


When the International Statistical Institute (ISI) was founded in London in 1885, it assembled statisticians and demographers, as well as engineers and even entrepreneurs. Most of all, however, it brought together economists, which quickly made the ISI the most important international forum for the discipline. Based on intensive study of official ISI publications as well as the correspondence and writings of its members, the article first describes the foundation of the ISI from the…

ZZF Conference in Berlin on 13 March 2023

Martin Rempe attended the conference "Kunst und Kultur nach dem Nationalsozialismus"and lectured on orchestral musicians and their professional organisation after 1945. Afterwards, he discussed with Friedrich Geiger and Detlef Giese under the moderation of Christiane Kuller.


As a part of his fellowship at the Research Centre "global disconnect", Martin Rempe is hosting a workshop together with Friedemann Pestel from 23.06. to 25.06. on the topic of "Infrastructures of Musical Globalization, 1850-2000".