Project News

Heinrich Hartmann presents the Heisenberg project on the scientific blog of the Orient Institute Istanbul.

In a presentation at the Historisches Kolleg Munich, Heinrich Hartmann spoke on the topic of “Kognitive Dissonanzen. Ethnologische Umschreibungen von Nutzungs- und Eigentumsrechten im Mittelmeerraum in der Nachkriegszeit” at a conference organized by Ute Schneider on “Eigentum, Bodenwert, Visualisierung. Kataster im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert” on 24–26 November 2021.

Heinrich Hartmann discussed the realities and ambitions of Turkey’s Five-Year Plans in the 1960s and 1970s in relation to economic and social policy at the conference: “Planning. A Global Political Religion?”, Université de Strasbourg, 23–24 September 2021.