Prof. Dr. Stefan Hauser


Tel: +49 7531 88-4193

Room: E314 

P-O box number: 04

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Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Hauser is a Professor of Archaeology, who also teaches in the degree programs of History and Cultural Studies of Antiquity at the University of Konstanz. Previously, he served as a sub-project leader in the Collaborative Research Center “Differenz und Integration: Wechselwirkungen zwischen nomadischen und seßhaften Lebensformen“” at the University of Halle. After obtaining his Master’s degree in Classical Archaeology and completing his Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies (1994), he was, among other roles, a Fellow for Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Oaks and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Besides Konstanz, he has taught at the universities of Münster, Halle (Saale), and Columbia University in New York.

His publications range from studies on social structure in the Neo-Assyrian period (habilitation thesis, Halle 2007) to luxury goods production in the Mediterranean from the 5th to the 7th centuries AD. His research focuses on the archaeology and history of post-cuneiform cultures of the Near East as well as the history of research in these fields. In Konstanz, he is particularly dedicated to exploring the growing importance of material culture—buildings, images, and objects—in the reconstruction and interpretation of past societies.

Research interests

  • Archaeology and History of the Near East in the 1st Millennium BCE and the 1st Millennium CE
  • Methods and Theories in Archaeology, Archaeology as a Historical Science
  • Material Culture as a Historical Source

Current Courses

Please check the online course catalogue (ZEuS).

Current research projects

You will find an overview of current projects here

Academic Positions and Career History

Academic Education

1982-1988: Studies in Classical and Christian Archaeology, Near Eastern Studies, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Art History, and Pre- and Early History at the University of Bonn and Free University of Berlin. Master of Arts in Classical Archaeology, 1988.


1994: Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies. Dissertation: "Chronologische und historisch-politische Untersuchungen zur östlichen azīra in vorislamischer Zeit" . Free University of Berlin (Prof. Dr. Hans J. Nissen), supported by doctoral scholarships from the German National Academic Foundation and the State of Berlin (NaFöG).


2008: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Title of the habilitation thesis: Status und Ritual: Tod und Sozialstruktur im neuassyrischen Assur, supported by a habilitation scholarship from the German Research Foundation.

Academic Positions

1995: Lecturer at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster.

1997/98: Assistant at the Institute for Oriental Archaeology and Art, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (substitute).

2003/04: Project Staff, SFB 586, Subproject C 6, Martin Luther University Halle.

2004 - January 2009: Project Leader, SFB 586, Subproject D 7, Martin Luther University Halle.

Visiting Positions/Guest Professorships

1995/96: Fellow in Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.

1999/2000: Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

2000: Fulbright Senior Fellow.

2001: Visiting Associate Professor, Columbia University, New York.

2004: Chair Substitute (Prof. Dr. Sürenhagen) at the University of Konstanz.

Current Professorship/Chair

Since February 2009: Chair of Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Their Relations to the Ancient Near Eastern-Egyptian World at the University of Konstanz.

Professional Affiliations

Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) 

Academic Societies

German Archaeological Association (Darv)

German Oriental Society (DOG)

Working Group on Christian Archaeology (AGCA)

Ernst Herzfeld Society for Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology

Academic Networks

Interdisciplinary Project on Theory Formation in the Humanities (since 1985; members from Amman, Berlin, Binghamton, USA; Copenhagen, Berlin, Darmstadt, Münster, Jerusalem, and Konstanz)

Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialism 

Cluster 2 "Innovations: Technical, Social" of the German Archaeological Institute