apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Blauert
Adjunct Professor of History
Phone: +49 7531 88-4158Room: F 357
Write an e-mailapl. Prof. Dr. Miriam Gebhardt
Adjunct Professor of History
Website Write an e-mailResponsibilities
(Foto: Oliver Rehbinder)
apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Kempe
Adjunct Professor of History
Phone: +49 511 126-7327Postal Address: Leibniz Forschungsstelle, Waterloostr. 8,, 30169 Hannover
Website Write an e-mailResponsibilities
apl. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klöckler
Adjunct Professor of History
Phone: +49 7531 900-2600Website Write an e-mail
PD Dr. Rainer Lindner
Adjunct Professor of History